CARE Waitakere Trust is committed to providing excellent services. We value the feedback you give us and are interested in what you have to say. We would love to hear about what we are getting right. Sometimes, however, you may want to let us know about something you are not happy about; you may have a complaint about the services we provide. Any person who comes to CARE Waitakere Trust for counselling, financial mentoring or other support services has the right to have their concerns thoroughly looked into within the complaints procedure. Please refer below for information of what to do if you have a complaint:
Steps to Making a Complaint
If you have a complaint against any member of staff, you are encouraged in the first instance to raise and discuss the matter with the person concerned. If the staff member is a counsellor or financial mentor and you are unsure of when would be a good time to speak with them, please ask at the front desk about this, or email admin@carewaitakere.org.nz
We understand that sometimes it may not be possible or appropriate to talk directly with the staff member concerned. If this is the case, or you have spoken with the staff member but are still dissatisfied with the situation, the matter should be brought to our Management Team. You can do this by:
Speaking with a manager in person - contact the receptionist (via phone or in person) to organise a suitable time.
Writing a letter to the CEO/Management Team or, if your complaint relates to the CEO, to the Board of Trustees
Once the Management Team/Board of Trustees have received your complaint and heard your concerns, the matter will be discussed with any staff member concerned and the complaint will be recorded. This will be completed within two weeks of the complaint being received.
If appropriate, a mediator who is acceptable to all parties may be appointed. You are welcome to bring a support person to this meeting.
It may be appropriate that your complaint is taken to the staff member’s professional association, and if so we can support you in this process.
Please Remember:
Your complaint and feedback is important to us
We can support you through the complaint making process
Your right to services at CARE Waitakere Trust will not change because you have made a complaint.
Contact Details for CARE
Phone: 09 834 6480
Email: admin@carewaitakere.org.nz
Contact form: https://www.carewaitakere.org.nz/contact