Family Support-
Social Work
CARE Waitakere's Family Support/Social Work service aims to provide a strengths-based approach to clients and their whanau. This is centred around your needs and goals.
Some of the ways we can help include:
Support when dealing with government agencies like Oranga Tamariki, WINZ and Kainga Ora
Assessment of your social needs and seeing through appropriate referrals i.e. AOD, disability, health, mental health and employment services where appropriate
Family Harm support
ACC social work
Parenting support and strategies
Emotional Wellness and Coping Strategies
Family relationships
Couples therapy
Assisting those who are new to the area or with minimal support networks.
Guidance around court processes (Civil, criminal, drug and alcohol and family court issues).
This service is based in Henderson (Home visits may be available from the second appointment onward).
For more information you can contact our referrals team on (09) 834 6480, or by emailing admin@carewaitakere.org.nz.